
C++ Game [2D] (2018)
Top-Down Shooter

What Is Firefly?

Firefly is a top-down physics based 2D game where you play as a ship in an unfamiliar star system and must fight against pirates as a bounty hunter. My inspiration was a game jam I did back in college where in the Unreal Engine 4 I initially made the game in 2 days and have ever since wanted to remake it in C++.

Tell Me More!

This game is perhaps my most colourful and prettiest project I've ever worked on taking inspiration from FTL, some album covers and other things. I never really get tired of looking at gameplay of this game. This coupled with the fast action arcade gameplay loop probably makes this my best game project to date in a way. While it may lack some things, I may even come back to this in future and remake it in Helios or a future game engine of mine.

What I Learned/Achieved

This project allowed me to use the vector mathematics I learned during my first year of university within a game. The gravity/velocity system as well as 2D collision using circles in a dynamic star system gives the game a unique feel and playstyle. Additionally, the graphics which utilise parallax to give a sense of depth by making the background move slower than the player shows how a simple 2D graphics library can make a graphically rich game.

What Could Be Improved?

The game uses the S2D framework (Staffordshire university internal framework) which I have adapted to have complex graphical effects like parallax scrolling and smooth animations. However, this framework has some major problems like for instance the mouse buttons causing a stutter whenever clicked. This issue really makes the game look tacky and I wish there was a way to fix it without switching to another framework.


Overall, this is probably my most rounded and complete project yet. Love it.

Code Sample

Context: Enemy1 is the normal enemy within the game. It simply flys towards the player + a lead offset in order to catch up. Once it gets close enough, it begins firing its gun.


#pragma once

#include "KinematicActor.h"
#include "Projectile1.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Explosion.h"

class Enemy1 : public KinematicActor
	S2D::Texture2D *srcTexture1;
	S2D::Rect *srcRect1;
	Player* playerRef = nullptr;
	float health = 1;

	float deltaTime2;
	float perHitReduction = .7;
	int shootTimer = 0;
	const int fireRate = 700;

	virtual ~Enemy1() override;
	virtual void LoadContent() override;
	virtual void Tick(int deltaTime) override;
	virtual void Draw(Camera &worldCamera) override;

	virtual void Collision(int deltaTime, std::vector<Actor*> collidingActors);


#include "Enemy1.h"



	delete srcTexture1;
	delete srcRect1;

void Enemy1::LoadContent()

	srcTexture1 = new S2D::Texture2D;
	srcTexture1->Load("Textures/fighter_alien2TMP.png", false);
	srcRect1 = new S2D::Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 768, 768);

void Enemy1::Tick(int deltaTime)

	deltaTime2 = (float)deltaTime / 1000;
	shootTimer += deltaTime;

	AddToActorPosition(velocity * deltaTime  * GetActorScale() / 0.1);

	if (playerRef != nullptr)
		float distanceToPlayer = VectorDistance(GetActorPosition() - playerRef->GetActorPosition());
		if (distanceToPlayer <= 2000)
			SetActorRotation(LookAtAngle(GetActorPosition(), playerRef->GetActorPosition()
				+ playerRef->velocity * deltaTime * distanceToPlayer * .02) - 90);
			velocity += RotateVector(S2D::Vector2(0,-1), LookAtAngle(GetActorPosition(), playerRef->GetActorPosition()) - 90)
				* S2D::MathHelper::Clamp(VectorDistance(playerRef->GetActorPosition() - GetActorPosition()) * .001, 0, .5)
				* deltaTime2 * 10;

			if (shootTimer >= fireRate + (rand() % 300) - 150)
				Projectile1* curProj = SpawnObject<Projectile1>();
				curProj->velocity = velocity;
				curProj->owner = this;
				shootTimer = 0;
		else if (distanceToPlayer >= 5000)

void Enemy1::Draw(Camera &worldCamera)

	DrawSprite(srcTexture1, GetActorPosition(), worldCamera, srcRect1, GetActorScale(), GetActorRotation(),
		&S2D::Color(.8, .5, 1, 1));

void Enemy1::Collision(int deltaTime, std::vector<Actor*> collidingActors)
	KinematicActor::Collision(deltaTime, collidingActors);

	S2D::Vector2 hitDirection = S2D::Vector2(0, 0);
	std::vector<Actor*> hitResponseActors;
	for (auto& e : collidingActors)
		if (e->GetActorCollisionResponse() == CollisionResponse::HIT && !dynamic_cast<Player*>(e))
			hitDirection += e->GetActorPosition();

	if (hitResponseActors.size() > 0)
		hitDirection = hitDirection / hitResponseActors.size();
		hitDirection -= GetActorPosition();

		hitDirection = hitDirection / sqrt(pow(hitDirection.X, 2) + pow(hitDirection.Y, 2));

		velocity *= hitDirection * perHitReduction * -1;
		AddToActorPosition((hitDirection * -1) * deltaTime / 2);

	for (auto& e : collidingActors)
		if (Projectile1 *tmp = dynamic_cast<Projectile1*>(e))
			health -= .5;
			if (health <= 0)
				if (Player *tmp2 = dynamic_cast<Player*>(tmp->owner))
					tmp2->playerScore += 10;
				Explosion *tmp2 = SpawnObject<Explosion>();


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